Home Visits – Is this a Test? No!

One of the key pieces in our Distributed Learning model at HCOS are the Home Visits. Our teachers schedule these visits throughout the year, connecting with students and families during each of the two terms. Frequently I’m asked by families if the teacher is coming to test their kids, and to that I answer “No!”. The term visits are best described as a “show & tell” time when students and parents can present and talk about what they’ve been up to for the last few months, whether curriculum, activities, projects, field trips, classes, or demonstrations!

Now, I will say that teachers want  to talk with students about what they “show & tell” to see how much they understand about what they’ve learned, and to gauge how much they’ve grown in their abilities. Teachers will direct conversations to better understand how students think and feel, reflect and problem-solve, discern and improve. Teachers are not there to pop questions on students about things the student hasn’t done yet. 

So, what can you do? Well, just like a student going to a “show & tell” session at a campus school, I’d suggest preparing! Home visits are less successful when students start scurrying to find books and artwork after the teacher arrives, or are not sure what to say about their gymnastics team (even if they learned to do a standing backflip and won second in floor routine at a competition!). Rather, spend a day planning 2-3 things that you want to “show & tell” your teacher for each subject, and write out a list for your child to follow to build confidence and prepare them for sharing with their teacher. Some students even practice a little bit to be even more comfortable.

In conclusion, home visits are a chance for you and your children to put your best foot forward when showing and telling your teacher some of the highlights of what you’ve been up to in your learning lately. Enjoy the opportunity to celebrate  your child’s accomplishments with your teacher!

Steve Codling

About the Author

Steve Codling

K-9 Regional Administrator - Lower Mainland

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