- Online courses
- Face to Face
- Specialized Programs
- K - 12 Journey
- Learning Commons
- Learning Support
Individualized Courses
Grades k-9
Grades 10-12
Online Courses
Asynchronous Courses
Synchronous Courses
Face to Face
Learn in community through a wide variety of face to face and virtual group learning opportunities.
Community Connections
Learning Camps
Specialized Programs
Areas of passion, developed by engaged teaching staff to support students who want to try new things, grow in their faith and make lifelong friendships.

K-12 Journey
Grades K - 9
Grades 8-9
Students in Grades 8 and 9 can choose to participate in Crew! A cohort model where students are paired with a small team of course specialist teachers who will journey alongside students for the duration of the year. This model includes weekly cohort meetings, course specialist instruction, collaboration of students, and the support of an academic advisor as students work towards independence and preparation for grade 10. Students can choose from individualized or online courses for core subjects (math, science, social studies and english) and will participate in engaging, cross-curricular learning opportunities with their Crew!
Grades 10 - 12
Inclusive Education
The Inclusive Education program exists to ensure the academic success of learners with diverse abilities through early screening, intervention and ongoing support. Inclusive Education case managers partner with families to create an individualized education plan according to each student’s designation. Services are provided by educational assistants and by partnering with specialized professionals to equip students with tools and strategies to reach their full potential. Students can graduate with a BC Dogwood or obtain a School Completion Certificate.

Learning Commons
Support your home learning with physical and virtual unit study kits, subscriptions, books, curriculum, and various educational materials thoughtfully curated by our team. Explore our vast selection with the help of a curriculum consultant and live chat support to find resources to fit every learner.
Experienced consultants work with teachers and you to find the right strategies and resources to ensure your student’s academic success. From helping to assess needs, to suggestions for learning environments, to creating an IEP, learning support provides support in structuring a personalized journey.
K - 12 Journey

Grade K - 9
Grades 10 - 12
Inclusive Education
The inclusive education program exists to ensure the academic success of learners with diverse abilities through early screening, intervention and ongoing support. Inclusive education case managers partner with families to create an individualized education plan according to each student’s designation. Services are provided by educational assistants and by partnering with specialized professionals to equip students with tools and strategies to reach their full potential. Students can graduate with a BC Dogwood or obtain a School Completion Certificate.
all our programs are
supported by...
Experienced consultants work with teachers and you to find the right strategies and resources to ensure your student’s academic success. From helping to assess needs, to suggestions for learning environments, to creating an IEP, learning support provides support in structuring a personalized journey.
Experienced consultants work with teachers and you to find the right strategies and resources to ensure your student’s academic success. From helping to assess needs, to suggestions for learning environments, to creating an IEP, our learning support team provides support in structuring a personalized journey.