We are happy to announce that two new EAs have been hired to increase our Student Support Center capacity in the area of Literacy. Taryn McPherson brings with her a wealth of teaching and EA support for students while Carlee Bouillon, a former HCOS student and recent university graduate, brings with her an expertise in our systems and EA support too.

We are excited to have Taryn and Carlee join our SSC team to support students in the area of Literacy. And don’t forget our amazing Numeracy EA Benjamin Loewen who will continue to provide support to students through the SSC.

For those not familiar with the SSC, it is a Zoom based universal support provided by an EA in Literacy or Numeracy and is offered to students needing assistance in grades 7-12.
The SSC EAs can provide support with:
- Academic courses – comprehension, higher level thinking, step by step instruction
- Executive functioning (organization, planning, time management)
- Course pacing and accountability
- Navigating Moodle, Study Forge and Encom
- Building confidence due to anxiety or insecurity
- Motivation
- Literacy and Numeracy assessment practice and support
Support is offered via Zoom and students must be willing to schedule a meeting time and attend the service. For more information on how to schedule time visit: