Are you interested in a unique outdoor Environmental Science program that focuses on real-life experiences and hands-on scientific activities at the grad level?
HCOS has partnered with A Rocha to create a grade 11 science course that develops hands-on science, core competencies skills and incorporates cross-curriculum ideas from Food Studies, Culinary Arts and Physical & Health Education. There is an emphasis on understanding the First Nations Principles of Learning first hand. In this program, students study the earth, care for the land and the community, and have fun in the wild!
**Note – this course is only available to students in the lower mainland, as attendance at the A Rocha Surrey site and participation in their weekly classes is a required portion of this course.

If you are interested in this course option, please talk with your Grad Advisor. If you decide to pursue this option, students first need to apply for the face to face portion of this course directly through A Rocha: There is an additional cost for this program that is not covered by HCOS tuition and is the responsibility of the student or family.
Once students are accepted into the program by A Rocha, HCOS will enrol students in the Environmental Science 11 course. Note, enrollment is not permitted without evidence of acceptance into the A Rocha program.