
to the HCOS Brand Guidelines

Below you will find all the elements that make up the HCOS Brand with a variety of rules and guidelines to follow, to ensure our brand looks its best in all situations.

Logo Guidelines


Color Palette




Symbol Mark





Found the logo you need? contact the design team here.


Symbol Mark

The spacing around the symbol logo is equal to half the width of the small left leaf.


The spacing around the primary logo is based on the size of the letter H.


The spacing around the secondary logo is equal to the space used between the inside of the border and the letter H.

What Not to Do

If you are ever unsure altering the logo, please reach out to the design team. All of these what not to do’s apply to all versions of the logos.
The spacing around the symbol logo is equal to have the width of the small left leaf.
The spacing around the symbol logo is equal to have the width of the small left leaf.
The spacing around the symbol logo is equal to have the width of the small left leaf.
The spacing around the symbol logo is equal to have the width of the small left leaf.
The spacing around the symbol logo is equal to have the width of the small left leaf.
The spacing around the symbol logo is equal to have the width of the small left leaf.
The spacing around the symbol logo is equal to have the width of the small left leaf.
The spacing around the symbol logo is equal to have the width of the small left leaf.


We use Poppins for all our typography. Below you can find our font styles for desktop web typography. For more information on typography sizing and weights for custom projects please contact the design team.



Type Scale

Style Name
Font size / Weight
Line Height
Style Name
Font size/Weight
Line Height
Heading One
72 px / Bold
72 px
0 px
Heading Two
56 px / Semi Bold
56 px
0 px
Heading Three
36 px / Medium
36 px
0 px
Heading Four
32 px / Bold
32 px
0 px
Heading Five
24 px / Bold
32 px
0 px
Heading Six
14 px / Bold
14 px
3 px
Body Large
18 px / Bold
18 px
0.9 px
Body Standard
16 px / Bold
16 px
0 px
Body Italic
16 px / Semi-bold Italic
16 px
1 px

Color Palette

The colors used establish the warmth in the brand. Please do not incorporate colors not used within our color palette.
PMS 7730 C
#1C593E PMS 7734 C


Photography will focus on warm lighting and show children engaging in educational activities. The photos are shot in golden hour and usually contain warm tones and plants which adds continuity to the colour palette of the brand.

To request a photo or receive approval on a photo choice, please contact the design team.


Usage can fluctuate for the patterns. The background color will determine which color pattern you use. Patterns can be used as accents or as prominent design asset. If the provided patterns do not work within your design please contact the design team for a custom laid out pattern for your project!

Need a pattern for your project? contact the design team!